Antonella Greco

Antonella Greco

Antonella and her husband Nicholas began their homeschooling journey in 2015 with their daughter in Manitoba, Canada.

“I discovered Charlotte Mason’s philosophy when our daughter was just a ‘little,’ thanks to a few benefactors God placed on my path. I recently began collaborating on a major effort to make Charlotte Mason’s poetry widely available in a variety of digital formats. I am currently helping Linda Fern transcribe the as of yet unpublished manuscript of The Saviour of the World, volume VII. I am blissfully immersed in Mason’s poetry, editing the documents, making corrections, and making it all more accessible to readers. I recently co-founded a Manitoba Charlotte Mason group, and I continue to marvel at how many people in this large but sparsely populated province are using Mason’s philosophy. I am delighting in the abundant feast which a Charlotte Mason education is bringing to our home!”

Antonella is the digital editor of poetry for Charlotte Mason Poetry. She and her family belong to St. Gianna Beretta Molla Roman Catholic parish in Winnipeg. Antonella can be reached by email.