Math Resources
A Great Recognition
An explanation and outline of the Great Recognition required of parents.
A Preview of Book 5
A preview of what will be found in the upcoming Book 5 of The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series.
Math Across the Forms
An overview of the living teaching of mathematics in the twenty-first century.
Everyday Objects for the Math Lesson
Everything needed to convey ideas in arithmetic may be found in a child’s natural surroundings. This small list of suggestions can be used as a catalyst to finding things in and around your own home.
Multiplication Using Charlotte Mason Methods
An overview of how to teach multiplication.
Teacher Training 30-39
A sample lesson plan for teaching the numbers 30 to 39.
Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
A sample lesson plan for teaching addition and subtraction of fractions for Form II.
Introduction to Functions
A sample Algebra II lesson plan using Charlotte Mason’s principles and practices for teaching mathematics.
A First Trigonometry Lesson
A sample trigonometry lesson plan using Charlotte Mason’s principles and practices.
Out-of-Door Geography
A sample lesson plan for teaching Out-of-Door Geography for Form I. Although it is not a math lesson, Charlotte Mason recognized that small things may be used to teach great. Early lessons in outdoor Geography are an aid to later math lessons.
The Teaching of Mathematics to Young Children
The canonical 1911 paper written by Irene Stephens “at the request of the Board of Education and under Miss Mason’s supervision.”
Musings on Math
Reflections and inspiration from the Charlotte Mason Poetry team on math and the teaching of mathematics.
Lessons In Experimental And Practical Geometry
Practical Geometry begins in Form IIa (5th grade) and prepares the child for the formal study of geometry in Form III (7th grade). Foundational ideas are explored and physical habits gained practically and experimentally in this text by Hall and Stevens.
A First Step in Euclid
Sophisticated in simplicity, unorthodox in approach, and devoid of dread: a printer-friendly and text-searchable PDF version of the geometry book used in Charlotte Mason’s classroom.
Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching
A ground-breaking handbook that reveals what every parent-teacher wants to know about Charlotte Mason’s life-related approach to mathematics.
Charlotte Mason Math: A Guided Journey
A practical step-by-step demonstration of how Charlotte Mason taught elementary arithmetic from beginning numbers through fractions.
The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series
Everything you need for math lessons in a Charlotte Mason way.
Book 1 • Book 2 • Book 3
Charlotte Mason and Math: A Mountain Perspective
A guided journey through the Principality of Mathematics in the Mason classroom from the early years through high school.
Image ©2017 Kenneth James Benson