PNEU Documents

PNEU Documents

The Parents’ Review

Volume 1, 1890/91

p. 721 Reverence for the Work of the Holy Spirit in Children and the Young, by Archdeacon Blunt

Volume 3, 1892/93

p. 093 Mother Culture, by A.
p. 279 The Home School, by Charlotte Mason

Volume 8, 1897

p. 761 The Place of Science in the Education of Children, by George J. Burch

Volume 9, 1898

p. 046 Simplicity, by Charlotte Mason
p. 077 The Boy Jesus, by Rev. H. S. Swithinbank
p. 429 Manual Training, by Margaret McMillan
p. AMB 126 A Visit to Winterland, by Katharine Louise Osler
p. AMB 133 Aunt Mai’s Budget Christmas Letter, by Emeline Steinthal
p. AMB 138 Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, Katharine Louise Osler

Volume 10, 1899

p. AMB 048 Subjects for April, by Emeline Steinthal

Volume 12, 1901

p. 001 The Place of Greek in Modern Education, by Oscar Browning
p. 609 The Education of an Only Child, by Mrs. Clement Parsons

Volume 13, 1902

p. 413 The Training of the Artistic Perception, by Miss Hermione Unwin
p. 515 Our Relations With Music and Art, by Mrs. Howard Glover
p. 526 Thought-Turning as a Factor in the Training of Character, by Dr. Helen Webb
p. 547 How We Teach History, by Miss G.C. Allen
p. 609 How to Preserve the Imaginative Power in Children, by Arthur Burrell

Volume 16, 1905

p. 061 Education is the Science of Relations, by M. Owen
p. 445 Of Punishments, by Edith Escombe
p. 637 A Handbook of Free-standing Gymnastics

Volume 17, 1906

p. 077 The Child in Literature
p. 541 Conference at the House of Education
p. 690 Religious Training in the Home, by Mary Wolseley-Lewis
p. 699 Teaching Children to Pray, by Rev. Prebendary J. S. Northcote
p. 707 Meditation, by Charlotte Mason

Volume 18, 1907

p. 154 Catherine of Siena and Her Times

Volume 19, 1908

p. 103 On the Teaching of Poetry to Children, by M. H. Simpson
p. 561 Spiritual Joy, by Carta Sturge
p. 634 Handel, by Mrs. Howard Glover
p. 721 Nature Study In The Home, by Rev. Alfred Thornley
p. 730 Moral Instruction, by Charlotte Mason
p. 764 Physical Culture, by Miss Rothera

Volume 20, 1909

p. 27 Social Education, by Lieut.-Col. B. R. Ward, R.E.
p. 127 Ourselves
p. 337 Nature Study, by C. Cooper
p. 380 Religious Teaching in the Home, by Miss Douglas
p. 528 On Teaching French to Young Children, by Marjorie Evans
p. 542 Brush Drawing, by Miss K. Loveday
p. 658 On the Teaching of Religion to Children, by William Danks
p. 783 Life’s Decisions, by E. C. Matravers

Volume 21, 1910

p. 027 Opinions and Principles, by Charlotte Mason
p. 106 Songs For Children, by Walter Ford
p. 547 How to Make a History Chart, by A.G. Biggar
p. 881 The Nativity, by Charlotte Mason

Volume 22, 1911

p. 419 Children Are Born Persons, by Charlotte Mason
p. 926 Jane Austen (At Chawton and Winchester), by Charlotte Mason

Volume 23, 1912

p. 138 Mathematics, by Irene Stephens
p. 492 The Parents’ Union School, by Charlotte Mason
p. 554 Handel, by Miss H.M. Cruse
p. 566 “Scale How Evening.” Jane Austen, by Daphne Chaplin
p. 801 Three Educational Idylls, by Charlotte Mason

Volume 24, 1913

p. 187 Nature Study, by Agnes Drury
p. 215 Art and Handcraft in the Education of Children, by P. E. Hanson
p. 287 Carpaccio, by M. Evelyn Davis
p. 498 Self-Education, by Charlotte Mason
p. 522 How We Teach Citizenship, by Miss L. Faunce
p. 514 Bible Teaching in the Parents’ Union School, by Eleanor M. Frost
p. 522 How We Teach Geography, by Janet R. Smith
p. 528 How We Teach Literature, by Daphne Chaplin
p. 533 Picture Study, by Miss Marjorie Evans
p. 561 The Reading Habit And A Wide Curriculum, by Charlotte Mason
p. 627 A Talk to Nurses on “The Child as a Person”, by Dr. Helen Webb

Volume 25, 1914

p. 270 The New and Old Conceptions of Knowledge, by Charlotte Mason
p. 312 Books, by Charlotte Mason
p. 401 Trop de Zèle, by Charlotte Mason
p. 692 Titian and Tintoretto, by M. Evelyn Davis
p. 868 Rhythm In Music, by Dorothy Walker

Volume 26, 1915

p. 030 The Montessori System, by Charlotte Mason
p. 092 Education and Personality, by R. Bryce Gibson
p. 183 Education and Responsibility, by R. Bryce Gibson
p. 573 Conference Lessons, by Eleanor M. Frost
p. 585 Miss Mason’s Message to the Children, by Charlotte Mason
p. 590 Scripture Teaching, by H. E. Wix
p. 595 The Teaching of Citizenship, by Eleanor Frost
p. 801 The Value of Manual Training in Education, by Roger N. Goodman
p. 899 Women Must Weep, by Charlotte Mason

Volume 27, 1916

p. 041 Moral Training, by Elsie Kitching
p. 641 A Liberal Education, by Charlotte Mason and Agnes Drury
p. 769 The National Mission, by Charlotte Mason
p. 775 Letter From a Scientist, by X. Y. Z.
p. 835 Some Experiences of a Pioneer School, by Miss Ambler

Volume 28, 1917

p. 292 Handel, by M. Beatrice Parker
p. 366 Turner, by Edith Frost
p. 481 The Religious Training of Children at Home, by X. Y. Z.
p. 497 Babies’ Habits, By A Grannie
p. 503 Nursery Games For Children, by Lady Hankey
p. 514 Music In The Nursery, by Mrs. Howard Glover
p. 517 Decoration of the Nursery, by E. Hughes-Jones
p. 520 The Mind of a Child, by Charlotte Mason
p. 526 Reading in the Nursery, by V. M. Hood
p. 533 The Child in the Garden, by E. A. Pyper
p. 538 Nature in the Nursery, by J. R. Smith
p. 672 Practical Carrying Out Of The P.N.E.U. Method, by Miss E. Bruce Low

Volume 29, 1918

p. 760 Jerusalem and Palestine, by the Rev. F. H. Bickersteth Ottley

Volume 30, 1919

p. 013 On the Teaching of Poetry, by M. A. W.
p. 070 The P.U.S. Leaving Certificate, by Charlotte Mason
p. 126 Bible Teaching In The P.N.E.U., by Miss E. Bruce Low
p. 247 Of Such Is the Kingdom, by Rev. C. B. Phillips
p. 303 South India, by Mrs. Senior
p. 461 Picture Study, by Madeline Lambert
p. 726 Habit, by D. Marjorie Peace

Volume 31, 1920

p. 446 Scouting, by J. H. Mellis Smith
p. 558 The Disappearance of Difficulties, by Daisy S. Golding
p. 701 Handel, by C. Harris Amey
p. 936 Forty-Ninth Programme of Music.—Bach, by Cedric H. Glover

Volume 32, 1921

p. 010 Teaching Methods of Miss Charlotte Mason, by H. W. Household
p. 023 John Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), by Cedric H. Glover
p. 044, p. 092 The Meeting, by Elsie Kitching
p. 156 PNEU Methods of Teaching Scripture, by R. A. Pennethorne
p. 185 Education for the New Day, by Vida D. Scudder
p. 265 W. A. Mozart (1756-1791), by Cedric H. Glover
p. 327 Family Bickerings, by Leader Scott
p. 334 The Advanced Montessori Method, by Mrs. Curwen
p. 641, p. 688 Fifty-First Programme Of Music, by Cedric H. Glover

Volume 33, 1922

p. 159 The Teaching of English, by G. H. Smith
p. 229 The Old, Old Story, by Charlotte Mason
p. 320 For the Children’s Sake, by Essex Cholmondeley
p. 396 The Mason Method of Teaching, by E. Percival Horsey
p. 421 On Learning Geography, by Mrs. G. E. Mole
p. 506 Musical Appreciation, by Mrs. Howard Glover
p. 516 The Hon. Mrs. Franklin in the Chair
p. 650 Early Drawing Lessons, by Lucy Gore

Volume 34, 1923

p. 001 The Parents’ National Educational Union and our Sunday Schools, by G. Swinburne
p. 011 The Teaching of Drawing and its place in Education, by Juliet Williams
p. 369 The Nature Work at the House of Education, by Agnes Drury
p. 411 Miss Mason’s Ideal: Its Breadth and Balance, by Helen E. Wix

Volume 35, 1924

p. 094 The Teaching Methods of Charlotte Mason, by G. F. Husband
p. 281 Music Programme 59; Handel, by Cedric Glover
p. 343 Programme of Music, P.U.S. Summer Term, 1924; Handel, by Cedric H. Glover
p. 382 Letters from P.U.S. Members in the Dominions
p. 553 The Parents’ Union in a Secondary School, by E. Perceval Horsey

Volume 36, 1925

p. 305 The Work and Aims of the P.N.E.U. and Parents’ Union School, by Mrs. Conyers Alston
p. 399 A Great Inheritance, by Elsie Kitching
p. 423 Knowledge and Narration, by Daisy S. Golding
p. 529 The Teaching of Nature Study, by V. C. Curry
p. 591 The Term’s Music; Books
p. 751 Conference on PNEU Methods, by H. W. Household
p. 780 County Education Office, by H. W. Household
p. 785 Recipe Versus Thought, by Essex Cholmondeley

Volume 37, 1926

p. 034 A Few Remarks on Music Teaching, Part I, by W. H. Leslie
p. 129, p. 200 Notes and Queries, by Elsie Kitching
p. 118 A Few Remarks on Music Teaching, Part II, by W. H. Leslie
p. 217 Work. “Partakers of His Resurrection,” by Essex Cholmondeley
p. 245 Music, by Cedric Howard Glover
p. 250 Report of the PNEU Meeting
p. 317 Montreal Nature Notes, Part I, by M. Gladding
p. 394 Montreal Nature Notes, Part II, by M. Gladding
p. 418 Picture Study (Notes and Queries)
p. 438 Miss Mason’s Methods and Principles in The Home Schoolroom, by Mary L. Kinnear
p. 444 Miss Mason’s Principles In Character Training, by Mrs. Evan Campbell
p. 588 Lessons of Rush-Bearing, by Rev. Francis Lewis
p. 623 Notes and Queries: Sunday School Teaching I
p. 685 What Is Education?, by Essex Cholmondeley
p. 766 Notes and Queries: Sunday School Teaching II
p. 788 In the Mouth of Two or Three Witnesses
p. 809 The Carol of the Three Brothers, by Frances Chesterton
p. 826 Occupations for Children Under Schoolroom Age

Volume 38, 1927

p. 116 Pestalozzi, 1746–1827, by Sir Michael Sadler
p. 331 Tinkers, by Elsie Kitching
p. 411 Notes And Queries
p. 427 How the PUS Helps a Young Mother, by the Hon. Mrs. Leaf
p. 443 Charlotte Mason And Gloucestershire, by H. W. Household
p. 469 The P.U.S. Method of Narration and its Purpose, by Stanley Boardman
p. 528 Too Wide A Mesh, by Elsie Kitching

Volume 39, 1928

p. 001 Two Educational Ideals, by Charlotte Mason
p. 058 Concerning “Repeated Narration”, by Elsie Kitching
p. 180 Education and Life, by Vera Pim
p. 224 The Book of Centuries and How to Keep One, by G. M. Bernau
p. 260 The Group System, by a Gloucestershire Headmaster
p. 295 Can Appreciation of Art Be Taught?, by S. C. Kaines Smith
p. 367 Education of Conscience, by Mrs. Clement Parsons
p. 384 School Discipline, by G. F. Husband
p. 524 The Parents’ Union School
p. 767 Why Small Things Matter, by Dr. Helen Webb

Volume 40, 1929

p. 035, p. 575 Number: A Figure and a Step Onward, by Mrs. W. A. Stephens
p. 042 Handel, 1685—1759, by K. E. Limbert
p. 061 P.U.S. Gramophone Club
p. 224 The Strait Gate, by Mary Hardcastle
p. 368 The Teaching Of Scripture, by E. C. Plumptre
p. 381 The Teaching Of Geography, by B. D. Parkin
p. 432 The Place of Habit, by Dr. Helen Webb
p. 437 P.N.E.U. Principles, From an Ordinary Mother’s View Point, by H. J. Hannah
p. 445 Notes and Queries on the Work of The Parents’ Union School, edited by Elsie Kitching
p. 631 A Liberal Education in the Rural Elementary School, by H. W. Household
p. 670 The Spirit and the Letter, by R. A. Pennethorne

Volume 41, 1930

p. 283 The History of a P.U.S. Schoolroom, By the Mother Who Runs It, by Mrs. W. J. Brown
p. 491 What I Owe to the Classics, by Mary Hamilton, M.P.
p. 631 “What I Owe to The Classics”—A Reply, by H. W. Household
p. 724 The Sacredness of the Person, by H. E. Wix, K. Masterman, and Mrs. Evan Campbell

Volume 42, 1931

p. 184 The Charm of Nature Study, by G. Downton
p. 336 Notes and Queries, by H. Costley-White and Elsie Kitching
p. 379 The Group System, by Mrs. Staples
p. 390 Teaching of Latin in the P.U.S., By P. S. Goode
p. 421 Parents’ Union School Work in Boys’ Preparatory Schools, by T. W. Snow
p. 441 Picture Study, by Mary Gillies
p. 446 The P.U.S. Work in a P.N.E.U. School, by M. Ruston
p. 451 Home Education Under Six, by E. A. Parish
p. 623 Three New Educational Common Factors, by R. A. Pennethorne
p. 638 The Teaching Methods of Charlotte Mason and the P.N.E.U., by H. W. Household

Volume 44, 1933

p. 523 Handel, 1685—1759, by K. E. Limbert
p. 536 A Measuring Line, by Elsie Kitching

Volume 46, 1935

p. 047 Neglected Nature, by K. R. A. Pennethorne
p. 293 A Home-Schoolroom in Madeira, by Mrs. Egerton Evans

Volume 47, 1936

p. 031 Education in The Parents’ Union School, by Claudia Shelley
p. 093 Miss Mason’s Inspiration in ‘The First Steps of Education’, by R. M. Harrison
p. 281 The Conflict of Philosophies, by Sir Fred Clarke
p. 308 The Approach to Poetry, by Monk Gibbon
p. 412 From an Ordinary Parent
p. 432 Character Training, by Mary Hardcastle
p. 440 Character Training: The Formation of Habits, by Claudia Shelley
p. 634 Our Founder: Charlotte M. Mason, by Elsie Kitching
p. 716 After Fifty Years, by Elsie Kitching

Volume 48, 1937

p. 714 The Playroom Leaflet, by W. E. Laurence

Volume 50, 1939

p. 133 My Tongue’s Use, by Dermod O’Brien

Volume 52, 1941

p. 218 How to Keep a Nature Note-Book, by Agnes Drury

Volume 53, 1942

p. 003 Queen’s Message
p. 014 On First Looking Into Miss Mason’s Books, by E. F. Bozman
p. 016 Charlotte Mason’s Principles, by Vyvyan Richards
p. 335 Children Under Six, by Catherine Leaf

Volume 54, 1943

p. 016 Children Up To School Age and Beyond, by Elsie Kitching
p. 054 Children Up To School Age and Beyond (Continued), by Elsie Kitching

Volume 55, 1944

p. 029 Knowledge Versus Information, by H. W. Household
p. 156 The Mind at Work, by Essex Cholmondeley

Volume 57, 1946

p. 163 In Praise of the PNEU, by Sir Clement Jones

Volume 60, 1949

p. 067 Reminiscences, by H. W. Household
p. 101 PNEU Diamond Jubilee Report, by Louise Morgan

Volume 61, 1950

p. 195 The Fragmentation of Culture, by Dermot Morrah

Volume 63, 1952

p. 121 Memories of the Past, by Henrietta Franklin
p. 123 The House of Education Under Miss E. A. Parish, by Essex Cholmondeley
p. 126 Nature Note Books, by Agnes Drury
p. 131 College Students To-day, by J. Christie and A. Wheatley
p. 134 Our Music Appreciation, by Kathleen C. Hugman
p. 136 Memories of Scale How, by Kathleen Conder
p. 138 Art Studies, by R. A. Pennethorne

Volume 66, 1955

p. 149 On First Reading Charlotte Mason’s Books, by E. M. Gregson

Volume 67, 1956

p. 239 The Badge And The Motto, by Elsie Kitching
p. 254 The Teaching Of Geography, by R. A. Pennethorne

Volume 68, 1957

p. 61 Some Thoughts on Narration, by Helen E. Wix
p. 71 The Only Child, by Sheila Fawcett

Volume 72, 1961

p. 101 Joy to be Shared, by Donald Beswick
p. 135 Obedience, by Nancy Hatch
p. 144 Winnie Ille Pu
p. 155 The Way of Reason, by Mary Fletcher
p. 239 Conversation Piece, by Olive Scrivener

Volume 73, 1962

p. 115 Joy to be Bought, by Donald Beswick
p. 253 A P.U.S. Home-Schoolroom, by Olive Norton

Volume 76, 1965

p. 035 Characteristics of a P.N.E.U. School, by E.M. Till

Volume 77, 1966

p. 052 The Educational Philosophy of Charlotte Mason, by J.D. Rose of Matlock


Notes of Lessons

The PNEU Journal

Volume 1, 1966

p. 62 Pestalozzi: The First Modern Educator, by Marjorie Madgwick
p. 66 Discipline in the Home Schoolroom, by M. W. Ney
p. 114 In Defence of Balaam and his Ass, by E. K. Manders

Volume 2, 1967

p. 106 Education is a Discipline, by N. Chubb
p. 133 Discipline in the Home Schoolroom, Stage II, by M. W. Ney

Volume 3, 1968

p. 68 Applying Miss Mason’s Principles to Remedial Reading, by Marion Ney

Volume 4, 1969

p. 156 Creative Writing, by Margaret Ronan
p. 195 George Frideric Handel (1685-1759), by Margaret Russell

Volume 8, 1973

p. 070 Latin—the elegant Tongue, by Igor Gazdik

Volume 9, 1974

p. 129 When You Have to Move House, by Barbara Crane

Volume 11, 1976

p. 119 In Defence of Shakespeare, by Olive Norton

Volume 20, 1985

p. 037 A Philosophy of Education Restated, by Doreen Russo

L’Umile Pianta

July, 1896

p. 001 President’s Letter, by Charlotte Mason

January, 1899

p. 006 Influence, by Emeline Steinthal

March, 1905

p. 008 Harmonious Relations Between Physical Training & Handicrafts, by J. W. Devonshire

June 1905

p. 005 Musical Teaching, by Agnes Drury

April, 1906

p. 003 Cardboard Sloyd, by R. A. Pennethorne

March, 1914

p. 024 A Senior’s All-Hallows E’en Nightmare

May, 1914

p. 059 How Past Students Can Keep in Touch, by Agnes Drury
p. 075 Musical Appreciation Class

November, 1916

p. 008 Dear Ex-Students

June, 1922

p. 014 Our Principles, by Charlotte Mason

Documents and Booklets

Miss Mason’s Method of Teaching in Practice, by H. W. Household

Programme 82 (1918): Examination for Forms V and VI

Programme 113 Form II



Parents’ Union School Time Tables

The Teaching of Mathematics to Young Children, by Irene Stephens

Geography as a Means of Culture, by Charlotte Mason

Scale How “Meditations”, by Charlotte Mason

The Co-Operation of School and Home, by Charlotte Mason

Joan Lindsay Molyneux


Home Education, by Charlotte Mason

Parents and Children, by Charlotte Mason

Translation of Parents and Children pp. 117-118, by Charlotte Mason

School Education, by Charlotte Mason

Ourselves, by Charlotte Mason

Nossos Corpos, Nossas Almas, by Charlotte Mason, translated by Tina Schallhorn

Formation of Character, by Charlotte Mason

A Short Synopsis, by Charlotte Mason

First Grammar Lessons, by Charlotte Mason

Prefaces to the Ambleside Geographical Readers by Charlotte Mason

Faith: Eleven Sermons with a Preface, by H. C. Beeching

The Four Gospels, by Walsham How

Julius Caesar from Plutarch’s Lives (Blackie’s Edition)

Alcibiades and Demosthenes from Plutarch’s Lives (Blackie’s Edition)

Alexander from Plutarch’s Lives (Blackie’s Edition)

Themistocles and Pericles from Plutarch’s Lives (Blackie’s Edition)

A Handbook of Free-standing Gymnastics

The Changing Year

A Walk In January
A Walk In February
A Walk In March
A Walk In April
A Walk In May
A Walk In June
A Walk In July
A Walk In August
A Walk In September
A Walk In October
A Walk In November
A Walk In December

Unpublished Works

Parents and ‘Education’, by Charlotte Mason

The Thing We Hold Amongst Us, by Charlotte Mason

Childhood’s Estate, and other Poems, by Charlotte Mason

And With His Lord Doth Dwell, by Charlotte Mason

My Lady’s Hand, by Charlotte Mason

The Saviour of the World, volume 7, by Charlotte Mason

A Summary of the Synopsis