Announcing An Essay Towards a Philosophy of Education

Announcing An Essay Towards a Philosophy of Education

The Parents’ Review, August 1924, p. 528

New Publications.

It is delightful to be able to announce that Miss Mason’s valuable summary of her educational philosophy will appear shortly. It will be published by Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, and Co., with a foreword by the Hon. and Rev. E. Lyttleton, late Headmaster of Eton, and will be entitled: An Essay towards a Philosophy of Education.

The Parents’ Review, 1925, p. 1

Published January 1st, 1925.

An Essay Towards a Philosophy of Education:
A Liberal Education for all.

Charlotte M. Mason. (Kegan Paul, 10/6 net).

It is hoped that members of the P.N.E.U. may welcome the announcement as a New Year’s message.

The Trustees of the late Miss C. M. Mason are sending out these her “last words” with the conviction that the teaching contained in AN ESSAY TOWARDS A PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION will do much to steady, direct, and inspire the work of parents and teachers in an age of stress and perplexity.

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