Reading Course in Child Training and Home Craft
Formerly The Mothers’ Educational Course.
The Parents’ Review, 1926, pp. 65–66
The attention of Members is called to this Course, which is open to all Members of the P.N.E.U. and the Parents’ Union School Association. It is designed to include the distinctive teaching of the Union, and therefore the five volumes of the Home Education Series are set for study. These books were specially prepared from time to time by Miss C. M. Mason for the use of the Parents’ National Educational Union. The method of these volumes is a progressive amplification of the principles of the Union. Each of the first four volumes is furnished with a full table of contents and with numerous questions which should aid the reader in self-examination. The course also includes Miss Mason’s latest and most important work, An Essay towards a Philosophy of Education.
The two years’ Course offers,—
(1). Help towards such teaching as should confirm children in the Christian Religion.
(2). Some knowledge of the principles of education and the methods based on those principles.
(3). Knowledge necessary for the care and development of children in sickness and health, together with some help in matters of Home Craft.
(4). Some knowledge of Nature Lore and Elementary Science.
The work covers the principles of and suggests good methods for the physical, moral, mental and religious training of children, and includes the knowledge through which their first inspiring ideas about the natural world should come to them. Every word in each of the books is not offered to the student as the teaching of the P.N.E.U. Some degree of sifting, and of personal selection, is required. Books are set which give indications as to contemporary problems and current thought.
Much of the matter may be familiar, but it is one thing to read a work casually and quite another thing to study it definitely with a view to examination.
The work will fall under the headings of,—
Mental and Moral Science and Education.
Physiology and Health, including some Mothercraft and Housecraft.
Nature Lore and the Elements of Science.
Some of the books may be borrowed from the P.N.E.U. Library.
The year’s work may be done by reading about 120 pages a week for 10 months. The order of the reading is left to the student.
The examinations fall twice a year, in the last week in May and the last week in November, when examination papers will be sent out.
The first half of each of the works set will be taken up in the first examination of the year.
It is suggested that girls who have finished their school course and are not going to enter the teaching profession should take up this course which is also intended for young mothers. Such girls should also get practical experience in,—(1) Household Economy, (2) Nursery Hygiene and Training.
It is hoped that all Members will keep a reading diary, or commonplace book.
Fees. The Course is open to all Members of the P.N.E.U. or the P.U.S.A. on a further payment of 10/6, to include Examination Fees.
For further particulars of P.N.E.U. apply to the Secretary, P.N.E.U. Office, 26, Victoria Street. All communications regarding the work should be sent to The Director, P.N.E.U. Reading Course, Ambleside.
N.B.—The first year’s Reading Course will be ready before Easter, but names should be sent in as soon as possible.
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