First Grammar Lessons: Part III, Lesson VII

First Grammar Lessons: Part III, Lesson VII

Lesson VII

These adjuncts—words added to the verbs—are mostly adverbs.

Ad-verbs get their name because they are added to verbs.

Adverbs are of just the same use to verbs that adjectives are to nouns.

Indeed, by changing adjectives a very little, we may turn them into adverbs.

beautiful song.

‘Beautiful’ is an adjective, and belongs to the noun ‘song.’

She sings beautifully.

‘Beautifully’ is an adverb, and belongs to the verb ‘sings.’

Describing adjectives may be changed into adverbs by adding “ly” to them: Careful—carefully.

These are describing adverbs, that show how actions are done.

Number adjectives may be made into adverbs in the same way: First—firstly.

Adverbs also show—

Place, as: Lay it down there.

Time, as: Come soon.

Others have no particular meaning, as yes, no, really, indeed, not, etc.

To be learnt.

Adverbs belong to verbs as adjectives do to nouns.

Exercise VII

1. Put six adverbs to each of the following verbs:

sings, plays, writes, goes.
John sings fast, often, now, nicely, quietly, etc.

2. Give six adjectives which can be turned into adverbs by adding -ly:

Nice, beautiful, quiet, rude, etc.

3. Give six sentences containing describing adverbs, such as:

The eagle sees clearly.
The mouse runs quietly.

4. Give three sentences in which number adjectives are changed into adverbs:

Secondly I ask you to wash your hands.

5. Give six sentences with adverbs showing place:

Come here.
Put it near.

6. Give six sentences with adverbs showing time:

Will you do it then?
Please come now.

7. Give three sentences with adverbs that have no special meaning:

Really I must not do it.