Lesson Preparation

Lesson Preparation

Few aspects of a Charlotte Mason education are more hotly debated or deeply misunderstood than the question of lesson planning. On the one hand, some say that the teacher must provide elaborate “scaffolding,” pre-reading every book, highlighting words and phrases, and evaluating daily progress. On the other hand, Marian Ney in 1981 wrote that Mason tried to develop “a curriculum that would, insofar as possible, be teacher-proof.” So what is the truth? Teacher-intensive? Teacher-proof? Or something in the middle? At the 2019 Charlotte Mason Soirée Conference, I got past the rhetoric and debate to share what is really involved in lesson planning in the Charlotte Mason method. The answer may surprise you, and it may challenge you, but either way it will most certainly help you. Here are the slides I presented:


5 Replies to “Lesson Preparation”

  1. Great informative slides. I love how everything is broken down especially at a time when I’m currently planning the next year. I typically haven’t planned anything intensively, math-grammar, because I didn’t want to move too fast too quickly. I guess that wasn’t tendency before finding CM. Last year I did all my planning for these subjects a week or two before. But I like the idea of going ahead and planning it so I’m more prepared and then recapping before I teach it.

  2. Thank you. I would like to read more about your discussion there. I have read the slides (that were great), and I appreciate to explore more in details.

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