CMP Review 2023-07-11
July 11, 2023
On a recent Sunday afternoon, my son and I sat down with our Books of Centuries to write our entries for the week. My son paused over his open book and then had an idea. “When was the Book of Centuries invented?” he asked.
“The first Book of Centuries was made in 1914,” I answered without checking my notes. “It was invented by Gertrude Bernau,” I added. (It was convenient that I had just finished researching the history of this remarkable learning tool.)
Knowing the story of the Book of Centuries helps us appreciate its purpose and value. It’s also a great example of an innovation that Charlotte Mason endorsed and applied even though it wasn’t her idea. In fact, the idea came from one of her own students.
That student, Gertrude Bernau, wrote the definitive instruction manual for the Book of Centuries in 1928. Her article was referenced in countless future PNEU programmes. Today we share an audio presentation of her article along with an extended editor’s note telling the story of its development.
My son went to the space for 1914 and found that it was already filled with an important historical event. (Mine was too.) But we had a memorable chat about the reason behind this weekly activity that has spanned so many of our years. Listen to (or read) today’s episode, and you’ll be ready for that moment your child asks the same questions of you. Find it here.