CMP Review 2023-09-07
September 7, 2023
I vividly remember when years ago a friend brought to my attention the phrase “guide, philosopher and friend.” I did not warm up to the phrase. But then my friend explained that it was a direct quote from Charlotte Mason herself. That of course prompted me to revisit my stance.
Then more recently someone else brought to my attention that the phrase did not originate with Charlotte Mason. When she wrote “guide, philosopher and friend,” she was actually quoting someone else! But who? Digging deeper I found the phrase had appeared in dozens if not hundreds of articles, writings, and books. But who said it first?
My search eventually brought me to the source. But what I found was no mere history of transmission. What I found was a story that added a whole new dimension to those three familiar words. A story that warmed my heart to the phrase, not just because Miss Mason said it, but because it expresses a sweet and beautiful truth.
Join me in my journey of discovery in the latest issue of Common Place Quarterly, the “Grand Conversations” issue.