CMP Review 2024-03-05

CMP Review 2024-03-05

March 5, 2024

Have you ever encountered difficulties when applying the Charlotte Mason method? I know I have. And I know of an educator one hundred years ago who was convinced that, “because of one or two particular difficulties,” the method simply could not work at their schools.

In the face of such detractors, a teacher devoted to Mason’s method pointed the way to the “disappearance of difficulties.” Her name was Daisy Golding, and her talk focused on narration. We share it today as part of our series of vintage articles on topics related to narration; however, Golding’s approach to solving difficulties extends well beyond narration.

Sometimes we hear of a kind of Charlotte Mason perfectionism. That if we are not doing it all, we are not doing it at all. Golding hit that question head on. Are we meant to be “adhering literally to everything”? Find out in Daisy Golding’s article which was published and annotated while Charlotte Mason was still the editor of the Parents’ Review. Read or hear it here.
