CMP Review 2024-05-04

CMP Review 2024-05-04

May 4, 2024

Guess what!?! One of our neighbourhood friends stopped by at just the right time and she saw six eggs!

The goose had flown away to a nearby ditch. Surely to get some sustenance for herself. It’s quite the endeavour, sitting there, in, dare I say it, not the most sheltered or hidden place possible on campus.

Here’s a snippet of the message she sent to us along with this photo:

Mother goose was not on her nest! I, with fear beating in my chest, moved closer for a photo of how many eggs! I kept my eye out for mother goose. And then she came, flying in and I RAN hahaha. I won’t go back for a while. I’ll let her forget who I am. 😂

Again, a mother goose, guarding her precious eggs, is a formidable character!

And, again, we can’t wait to see the goslings!

ETA: the library director also got a photo from inside with the mama (and the dad, or a friend?) nearby. An embarrassment of riches!

📷: @maggydean_ and @hahaloen
