The ultimate Knowledge (The Disciple)

The ultimate Knowledge (The Disciple)

(The Saviour of the World, Vol VI Book I Poem XV)

Good Lord, we know not, we are ignorant!

We move through life as blind man in the street;
Disaster we may any moment meet;

In perils of thick darkness, light we want!

But, an we knew, securely should we go!

Thou, Lord, canst keep us safe, for Thou dost see,
And all things are committed unto Thee;—

Cares of the world, slight things that bring us low,

All, all are in Thy hand, the great and small!

Safely, poor ignorant, we trust in Thee;
As blind man bravely steps with one can see,

We, led by Thee, dare walk nor fear a fall!

The inmost mystery Thou dost penetrate;

To Thee the dark is luminous as day;
The Father’s face sheds brightness on that way

In which our world is led in tranquil state

Despite those restless heavings as of one

Toss’d on a troubled sea. As in a glass,
The lineaments of God the Father pass

Before his gaze who looks upon the Son:

The Son the Father knows, and we through Him

Seeing the face of God shall dwell at ease:
But what is this? Only the Father sees

The Son, and manifests to vision dim

Of earthly men the glory of that Lord

Who came to walk with us and shew the Way,
Turning our darkness to the radiant day

Which emanates eternal from His Word.

Great is the mystery we must attain!

A twofold knowledge is for man to know:
Two Lights must each to us the other shew;

That they are One, is our eternal gain.

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