CMP Review 2024-08-11
In Luke 10:21, we read that “Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit.” According to James R. Edwards, “Jesus allowed such apertures into his self-consciousness only rarely and on guarded occasions, and only then within the confines of his closest confidants.”
In this moment of joy, Jesus “turned to His disciples and said privately, ‘Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see.’” N. T. Wright explains this moment:
In the same moment of vision and delight, Jesus celebrates what he realizes as God’s strange purpose. If you needed to have privilege, learning and intelligence in order to enter the kingdom of God, it would simply be another elite organization run for the benefit of the top people. At every stage the gospel overturns this idea. Jesus sees that the intimate knowledge which he has of the Father is not shared by Israel’s rulers, leaders and self-appointed teachers; but he can and does share it with his followers, the diverse and motley group he has chosen as his associates. God, says St Paul, chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, the weak to shame the strong.
Charlotte Mason reflected on this moment of joy shared between Christ and His child-like disciples. Read or hear “Happy Ye!” here.