CMP Review 2024-12-08

CMP Review 2024-12-08

In the Idyll Challenge for men we just finished Charlotte Mason’s first volume, Home Education. A thoughtful question was raised by a father in Brazil who asked about a sentence on page 319: “for though the will appears to be of purely spiritual nature, yet it behaves like any member of the body in this—that it becomes vigorous and capable in proportion as it is duly nourished and fitly employed.”

How, he asked, can we nourish the will of our children?

Several men, thoughtful readers of Miss Mason’s volumes, shared their perspectives. A consensus slowly emerged. If the will is of spiritual nature, then so must be its food.

Today’s poem by Charlotte Mason is timely for us. It corroborates our conclusion. Read or hear Mason’s poem about what “shall nourish thee and make thee grow.” Find it here.
