Charlotte Mason and the Educational Tradition

Charlotte Mason and the Educational Tradition

Christian Overman wrote, “Ideas do make a difference! And significant ideas cast much longer shadows than do the men or women who originally think them.” What ideas are casting a shadow on your practice of education? And how do these ideas make a difference? The focus of this presentation is to uncover which ideas correlate with Mason’s philosophy of education. Was she continuing a previously existing tradition? And what difference does this make in our practice of education today?

This live presentation was filmed at the Grace to Build Retreat in November, 2017.

This audio link provides a brief account of the making of this video:

8 Replies to “Charlotte Mason and the Educational Tradition”

  1. Thank you for your tireless work to bring about truth and knowledge through the works of such spirit-filled scholars. I have yet to begin my journey into homeschool with my three young children (5,3,1) and often wrestle with the idea of sending them away from me. Yet when I see beautiful works like this, I am remised to ever think they could be subject to a different education than what I know i have access to. Thank you again, please continue, I receive much from it as I am sure many others do as well.

  2. This is such a remarkably well researched and well put together presentation, thank you for it! We’ve shared it with others.

  3. I really learned a lot from this Art, thank you. Like many others, I just lumped all the ancients together and I did think they were all educated in pretty much the same way. I had not made the distinction between the Hellenistic world v. the Syriac (Hebrew) world nor had I realized how much Hellenistic thinking has seeped into the United States. A long shadow indeed! Thanks again to you and Brittney for this informative presentation and for making it available to us who are unable to attend the conference.

  4. This was so good and I listened to it with my children. Even my 11 yr old said, “But mama, if you take the plant out of the soil, it dies.”

  5. I recently read the Memoria Press article “Humanism is not the Problem” by Martin Cothran. Mr. Cothran’s views seem to be very different from your presentation that discussed the Hellenistic view vs the Syriac view. Thank you for your clear explanation of these issues.

    1. Dear Sandra,

      Thank you for your comment. In January of 2017, Martin Cothran wrote:

      Charlotte Mason got the “Charlotte Mason Method” from classical education… We just think [it] need[s] to be… put back in [its] proper place in the original classical vision of education.

      Hopefully my presentation makes it clear why I do not believe this to be the case.


  6. Thank you for posting this very important information! It gives a lot to think about.

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