Idyll Schedule IV

Idyll Schedule IV

August Home Education Part I to Part II Section XII (pp. 1-88)
September Home Education Part II Section XIII to Part V Section I (pp. 88-178)
October Home Education Part V Section II to Section XV (pp. 178-264)
November Home Education Part V Section XVI to end (pp. 264-352)
December Parents and Children Chapter 1 to 8 (pp. 1-82)
January Parents and Children Chapter 9 to 15 (pp. 83-167)

(Here is Charlotte Mason’s translation of the French paragraphs on pp. 117–118)

February Parents and Children Chapter 16 to 23 (pp. 168-256)
March Parents and Children Chapter 24 to 26 (pp. 257-290)
School Education Chapter 1 to 5 (pp. 1-55)
April School Education Chapter 6 to 12 (pp. 56-136)
May School Education Chapter 13 to 20 (pp. 137-227)
June School Education Chapter 21 to 22 (pp. 228-247)
Ourselves, Book I Preface, Introduction, Introductory, Part I, Part II Chapter 1 to 6 (Preface to p. 65)
July Ourselves, Book I Part II Chapter 7 to Part II Chapter 13 (pp. 66-149)
August Ourselves, Book I Part III Chapter 14- Part IV (pp. 150-210)
Ourselves, Book II Introductory – Part I Chapter 1 to 4 (pp. 1-28)
September Ourselves, Book II Part I Chapter 5 to 17 (pp. 29-114)
October Ourselves, Book II Part I Chapter 18 to Part III Chapter 7 (pp. 115-202)
November Formation of Character Part I Section I to Section VI (pp. 1-88)
December Formation of Character Part I Section VII to end of Part II (pp. 89-173)
January Formation of Character Part III (pp. 175-269)
February Formation of Character Part IV Section I to Section II (pp. 271-363)
March Formation of Character Part IV Section III to end (pp. 364-428)
Philosophy of Education Author’s Preface (pp. xxv-xxxi)
April Philosophy of Education Book I Introduction (pp. 1-21), Chapter 1 to 4 (pp. 23-79)
May Philosophy of Education Book I Chapter 5 to Chapter 10 Section I (pp. 80-168)
June Philosophy of Education Book I Chapter 10 Section II to Book II Chapter 1 (pp. 169-249)
July Philosophy of Education Book II Chapter 2 to end (pp. 250-348)

31 Replies to “Idyll Schedule IV”

      1. Hi Art, is there a mailing list that I can sign up to to be notified when registration for the new groups opens?

          1. I would also like to be notified when registration for Idylle V is open. I don’t see where the form is online to fill out. I would love to participate!

        1. Hi Art

          I never received the email for registering for the Idyll challenge V. Will it go out tomorrow or did I miss it? Thank you!

  1. How can we be the first to know when sign up opens for the year 2024? Also, will there be a good time slot for us to join from Japan with the time difference? It might just be myself joining, or my husband too. Thank you in advance!

    1. Thank you for your interest in the Idyll Challenge. I’ll send you an email when registrations open. We may have a group set up in an APAC timezone — please pray with us for that!


      1. Thank you in advance for including me in your email list! Praying for the APAC time zone to be a reality.

        1. We now have a wonderful leader lined up for this group. She is based in Australia. So Lord willing, you will be able to sign up when the groups are announced at the end of June!

          1. Wonderful! Is the Australian leader open for couples to join as well? I wonder if you can send me a test email to see if I can be notified when the time comes? Will you announce sign-ups elsewhere?

  2. Hi, Art! May I, too, be added to the list of those interested in knowing when the next Idyll Challenge opens up? Thank you!

  3. Hi Art,
    I would like also to join the APAC Idyll Challenge for 2024. I hope you could also inform me when and where to sign-up. I watched your inspiring talk about CM Method and it helps me a lot to continue and not to be too overwhelmed. Thank you so much for your encouragement specially for newbie parents. May the Lord continually bless you and your family.

    1. Chelle,

      Thank you for your kind words and your interest in the Idyll Challenge. We plan to open registration on June 25. The link will be included in the lead article on the website that day.


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