A Preview of Book 3
in the upcoming Book 3 of
The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series
The idea and operation of addition within 10,000
The idea and operation of subtraction within 10,000
Longer sums with three or four sets of figures
Review of multiplication tables up to 6 x 10
Construction of multiplication tables up to 10 x 10
Mastery of multiplication tables up to 10 x 10
Longer Multiplication by 7—10
Double-digit Multiplication by 70—99
Multiplication and division with money, interesting problems, & pure number
Multiplication by 10s, 100s, 1000s, 10,000s
Review of short division
Long division with a small divisor with money, interesting problems, & pure number
The idea of division as fractional parts
The idea of fractions
Simple fraction work
Numeration and notation of fractions
Numeration and notation of numbers up to 10,000
Weights & Measures