Blessed are ye Poor

Blessed are ye Poor

Sermon on the Mount. St Luke.

(The Gospel History, Section 43)

And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed are ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.

Blessed are ye Poor

(The Saviour of the World, Vol II Book III Poem XXX)

The Lord spake:—

“Blest are ye poor!”

The happy man is not elate
With riches, honour, or estate:
When all goes well, behold him mild
And simple as a little child.
All things against him, he is blest,
His heart in simpleness at rest,
Nor vexes heaven with the cry,
“O what unhappy wretch am I!”
The humble man hath lowly ways;
As little child he takes his days:
Not well or ill thinks of himself;
Eluding that insistent elf,
Not of himself he thinks at all;
So, heaven and earth are at his call!
Vicegerent of God’s Kingdom, he
Dispenseth bounties royally!
With humble plant, see you, he’s girt,
Which pluckt, springs up again unhurt! [*]
To the disciples turned the Lord,
And, looking on them, spake the word,—

“Blest are ye poor!”

About the Twelve, know one thing more,—
Poor men they were in heart and store.
“Woe to you rich, for, understand,
All ye may hope is in your hand!”

St. Luke vi. 20

[*]The rush wherewith Virgil girded Dante, cf. “Purgatorio,” Canto I.