Brittney McGann’s Session Abstracts
Our Work
Throughout Mason’s volumes, the programmes, and The Parents’ Review, there is a consistent philosophy of work and integrity through work. The work done by an individual is a direct reflection of who he is as a person. How can we, as parents and teachers, use Mason’s three instruments of education to support Mason’s ideas of work well done and the importance of a person as a worker? The inclusion of handicrafts in the programmes was one of the ways that the importance of work was directly demonstrated. This workshop will discuss the philosophy of work in general and then handicrafts specifically. The last portion of the workshop will be spent on a handicraft.
The Art of Storytelling
“Every mother and father should have a repertoire of stories…beautiful stories, beautifully told…” Formation of Character, p. 216
Do you have a repertoire of stories? This workshop will discuss the importance of storytelling, how it can affect the imagination of the child, and offer practical instruction on how to engage and delight children through the art of storytelling. Instructions on how to tell a story well come directly from a book praised in The Parents’ Review as being “full of PNEU thought.” Come ready to learn a fairy tale and practice these techniques.
Sunday School
Charlotte Mason called Sunday School a “necessary evil.” The evil being that many parents “are so hard pressed that they are unable for their first duty.” Sadly, this is still the case today. How can Charlotte Mason’s methods be used in Sunday School to share not only the Bible, but ideas of Christian living, culture, and history? If Sunday School is the only place for some children to learn about God and His church, how can we present a more whole picture of what it is to live out our faith in just one morning a week? This workshop will focus on ideas that can be used in Sunday School lessons, including a two-year schedule through the major stories and truths in the Bible with resource lists. The focus will be on children preschool age through 5th grade with a non-denominational Protestant perspective.
Some Aspects of Sloyd
Sloyd is much more than “the art of paper folding.” It is an introduction to the ideas encompassed by craftsmanship and work. Charlotte Mason’s philosophy ignores no part of the child, but offers sustenance to develop every part of his being. Sloyd engages mind and body. Its purpose goes beyond developing technical skill. As C. Russell tells us in The Parents’ Review, “The teacher of Slöjd that is, like the teacher of everything else, must ever bear in mind that his business is to make a good and wise man of the child, not a clever carpenter.” The Bible says, in Exodus 35:31, “And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship.” Join Brittney as she explores the philosophy behind sloyd and how it dovetails with Miss Mason’s own. Learn how to begin teaching sloyd in your homeschool and try your hand at making something during the workshop.