The meadow on a warm spring day
The blue sky with the smallest white cloud
The meadowlark’s pure and simple song
The breeze with the scent of the field
These are the things that flow in your veins
I know it because I see in your eyes
Their magic, their spark, and their light
When I touch you I feel their life
And their radiance sheds light in me
Now they’ve connected a box to your veins
Night and day its poison spreads
They tell me this chemical will bring you life
They tell me it is death lined with hope
As your cells slowly die
There is the mystery of life
But something new flows in my veins as well
It comes from the darkest moment of the deepest night
Hour after hour its poison spreads
I pricked my finger but nothing red was there
Only black ink spilled out
And covered this page
© Copyright 2009 Art Middlekauff, All Rights Reserved