CMP Review 2023-01-12
January 12, 2023
“Now ma’am, don’t make me explain again,” wrote Charlotte Mason to Henrietta Franklin in 1911. She was writing to her close friend about her journal entitled The Parents’ Review, the “P. R.”
“Now P.R. has a distinguished literary character to maintain,” she reminded her colleague. “It is quite unique in all languages and in all times as an educational magazine of literary character … When you and I are gone, the P.R. will be long quoted and made much of in the annals of Education.”
The Charlotte Mason team and all our dedicated volunteers are working hard every day to make Mason’s prediction come true. We make much of the Parents’ Review because we agree with Mason’s assessment. It is unique.
Only a few libraries in the world possess these cherished volumes. Thankfully, I possess a library card and a phone. My friends and I have photographed page after page so you don’t have to get a plane ticket to find the premier educational magazine of literary character.
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