CMP Review 2023-03-23
March 23, 2023

In her third volume, Charlotte Mason celebrates one of the outcomes of her method of education: “Then, too, there is continuity in their education. Little children are always eager to know; but the desire for knowledge seldom survives two or three years of school-life. But these children begin on lines that go on from the first baby lessons, through boyhood, girlhood, womanhood, motherhood; there is no transition stage, but simple, natural, living progress.”
Years ago the desire for knowledge was alive and well when I brought my daughter with me on a business trip to Australia. She took in the sights and sounds and stored them in the living archive of her heart.
Eight years later she was back in Australia, but not with dad this time. Now she was with students and professors. Walking through a park, something triggered a memory. “I’ve seen those stones before,” she thought. So she recreated a moment for the camera.
The books have changed. It’s no longer Wild Animals I have Known. Now it’s “gaining insight into and experiencing the agricultural production, business, trade, and culture of Australia.” But the love for knowledge is the same. And the person is too.