CMP Review 2023-03-25
March 25, 2023
“Some of the immediate results of Cardboard Sloyd training are, deftness of fingers, accuracy of eye, and perfection of finish, all unconsciously acquired by the enthusiastic worker. In the opinion of experts no other handicrafts afford so good an ethical training as that gained through a course of Sloyd. The exactitude and truthfulness of the work promotes the tendency to veracity and uprightness in conduct; firmness in the use of tools leads to decision of action; while the discrimination between good and bad work, gained by experience goes far towards choosing between what is valuable or worthless in life.”
— J. W. Devonshire, L’Umile Pianta, March, 1905
For everything you need to know to get started with paper or cardboard sloyd, check out our Sloyd Resources page.
📷 @aolander