CMP Review 2023-10-01
Years ago at university I was a young man on a large campus. It was easy to feel lost in the crowd, far from home and very much on my own. I used to like to retreat to lonely places to find refuge in prayer. It seemed there was no lonelier place on campus than the two or three chapels built for a different age than mine.
One in particular became special to me. After many months I told a friend about this chapel. “One of the stained glasses is of me,” I said. Incredulous, my friend wanted to see the place. The time came and I pointed to the stained glass window. There was Jesus, the Good Shepherd, holding a little lamb. I pointed to the lamb sand said to my friend, “See? There it is. It’s me.”
No less beautiful than that stained glass window is Charlotte Mason’s poetic portrait of the sweet shepherd. He leads us to “knowledge, poems, pictures, at his will.” And He holds us, no matter how lost or alone we may feel. Read or hear it here.