CMP Review 2024-01-21

CMP Review 2024-01-21

Samuel M. Ngewa describes what happened when Jesus finally reached Bethany:

On his arrival, Jesus was met by Martha, whose first words were, Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. These were exactly the same words spoken by Mary later. The statement probably echoes words the sisters had said to each other again and again, first as they waited for Jesus to come and then as they mourned their brother’s death.

Martha’s faith had not been shaken, for she also said, I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask. The ‘whatever’ in her statement does not seem to have included the resurrection of Lazarus. She was likely thinking in terms of everyday life, not of a movement from death to life.

Late one night over the Christmas holidays a few of us were still up chatting in the living room. My daughter asked a provocative question: “Do you ever pray for something that only God could do?”

I’ve thought about that question a lot in the weeks since. I pray for a lot of things, but these are all things that are possible, even likely. But do I pray for things that are impossible? It seems that Martha wasn’t ready to do so. Am I?

Join Charlotte Mason’s contemplation of faith as she reflects on Martha’s words. Find her poem here.
