CMP Review 2024-01-28

CMP Review 2024-01-28

Martha bore a grief deeper than anyone could know. Jesus offered her these words: “Your brother will rise again.” It’s not what Martha wanted to hear. She didn’t want some solution for some far off day. She wanted a solution for her grief right now.

N.T. Wright explains what happened next:

[Martha] isn’t prepared for Jesus’ response. The future has burst into the present. The new creation, and with it the resurrection, has come forward from the end of time into the middle of time. Jesus has not just come, as we sometimes say or sing, ‘from heaven to earth’; it is equally true to say that he has come from God’s future into the present, into the mess and muddle of the world we know. ‘I am the resurrection and the life,’ he says. ‘Resurrection’ isn’t just a doctrine. It isn’t just a future fact. It’s a person, and here he is standing in front of Martha, teasing her to make the huge jump of trust and hope.

Resurrection is a person. And He’s here right now. Read Charlotte Mason’s reflections on one of the most memorable phrases Jesus ever spoke. Find it here.
