CMP Review 2024-03-10

CMP Review 2024-03-10

Henry Morris, the late Bible scholar and professor of civil engineering, wrote that “only God is able to perform miracles of creation.” He then examined the seven great signs of the Gospel of John from a scientific perspective. He considered how the simple molecular structure of water could be converted to the “far more complex molecular structure of freshly created wine.” He noted how the feeding of the five thousand transcended the law of the conservation of mass.

He hypothesized that Jesus created an “anti-gravitational force of unknown nature, enabling Him to walk on the surface of a stormy sea.” And Morris observed that “new bone, muscle, and other components” would need to be created for a man who had been unable to walk for 38 years to be instantaneously restored and able to support his own weight.

But at the end of the list, Morris cited the greatest sign of the seven. In the case of Lazarus, “not only were the limbs and eyes dead, but the whole body in this case, and for four whole days, so that putrefaction had set in. Nevertheless, at the creative word of Christ, all cells and functions were instantly restructured and reprogrammed, and even the departed spirit summoned again to the body, so that Lazarus lived.”

The words were so simple: “Lazarus, come forth!” But the work it accomplished was so profound. It is the title that Charlotte Mason chose for her poem about this great miracle of Christ. Mason, however, was not thinking about the restructured cells. She was thinking about the departed spirit. Read or listen here.
