CMP Review 2024-04-09
April 9, 2024
“In most schools of to-day the artistic training of children is given a secondary place as not being of utilitarian value.”
That seems to be a fair assessment of schools today, doesn’t it?
Except that these words were written not in 2024. They are from 1919.
Madeline C. M. Lambert studied at Charlotte Mason’s own House of Education before spending the rest of her life applying the method in a London school. Her life was later celebrated with these words: “All who remember her speak of the atmosphere she created in leading school prayers, making the truths of the Christian religion come alive, and helping others to see the faith by which she lived.”
In 1919, Miss Lambert wrote that “it rests with us whose calling it is to educate the young, unconsciously to help to create an atmosphere in which the mind can grow.” And a primary ingredient of that atmosphere is art.
Today we share Lambert’s article, now available on the web for the very first time. It is about more than just picture study. It is about restoring artistic training to its proper place in education. Find it here.