CMP Review 2024-10-07
October 7, 2024
“The best method is to be very much absorbed in your own work while the children are playing. Choose some work for yourself which won’t need much concentration on your part, for you can’t expect quiet, but whatever it is let it keep you busy. Then, don’t interfere with their play. Let it be spontaneous and unconscious. Let them invent their own and you will find that it will take very little material to amuse. Then also you will be fostering that happy gift of pleasure in simple things and an absorption and interest in the occupation in hand. Your aim is to let them create their own games, to amuse themselves. This is so necessary for their adult life, for you will be teaching them that their contentment is not necessarily dependent on external pleasures or the praises of the crowd.” (Parker, PR 46, “Games and Wet Day Occupations”)