CMP Review 2024-10-14
October 14, 2024
“We cannot of course expect the enjoyments of children to be the same as the enjoyments of adults. But the difference should be only one of degree. We sometimes defeat our own ends by too great haste, or by too great pedantry in our selection of the amusements of our young folk. The great kingdom of Art is the natural and glorious playground of humanity, but if we rush our children, if we coerce them rather than lead them in their artistic enjoyment, we shall quite certainly bore them, and drive them, in their efforts to escape from that boredom, to find fun and freedom elsewhere. We shall moreover form a prejudice in their minds against the very things we are anxious to train them to love. This is to nip good taste in the bud, and is distinctly worse than no training at all. We should not make one step in advance, until we have our footing secure, and our response of enjoyment hearty at the point where we stand.” (Mrs. Gilliland Husband, PR16, p. 608)