CMP Review 2024-10-29
October 29, 2024
The more we reduce education to the training of the mind, the more we reduce the curriculum to academic subjects. But we educate persons and not brains, so a narrow form of education encourages a narrow view of persons.
When we realize that a person is more than a rational mind, and that persons have hearts that feel, limbs that move, and souls that love, we realize that a fuller curriculum is required. And hence we bring in music, art, and drill. And some brave souls include dance.
But is folk dance merely an appendix to a school program to make sure we cover all our bases? Is dance merely a way to make sure that one more dimension of our children-born-persons are educated? Or is dance more than just that optional last piece for the bravest educators of all?
In 1914, the Parents’ Review ran a series of two articles by Juliet Williams about folk dancing. These eye-opening articles reveal aspects of this art that are often hidden from view. An original editor’s note and annotations by Heidi Buschbach further reveal that dance is no mere add-on but rather goes to the heart of what a Charlotte Mason education is all about.
You can read or listen to the first of the articles today at this link. But be forewarned: it’s hard to read this one and stay still. You might find yourself humming a new tune, learning some new steps, and dancing the afternoon away.