CMP Review 2024-11-10
Years ago a friend of mine made a careful study of Charlotte Mason’s six poetry volumes. Along the way he kept a document entitled “Quotes from poetry” in which he added “fragments and complete poems with …comments … which may be relevant for my study.”
The document grew and grew until it came to 140 pages. And then he was kind enough to share it with me.
Towards the end, as he was going through volume 6, he copied the poem “He divideth his spoils” in its entirety. And then he included this note: “art should be freed from the devil’s spoils of men.”
I know why he wrote this and I know why he captured this poem. It is a remarkable example of how Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of education is inextricable from her theology, and even from her exegesis of Scripture.
How can art be freed from the devil? By taking away his armor. Read or hear Charlotte Mason’s stunning poem here.