CMP Review 2025-01-24

CMP Review 2025-01-24

January 24, 2025

You know it is cold when you see sundogs!

We usually see them maybe less than 10 times a winter. Often, we will see just the left and right curves, like at 9 and 3 o’clock around the sun, or even 8 to 10 and 2 to 4. But a few times a year we will see one that also shows the top, like this one. And very rarely, we will see a very full one where you more clearly see the entire ring going from left to top to right. Sometimes, it just looks like bright light. Other times, you can distinctly see the colours of the rainbow in it, like in this one.

Sundogs are caused by the refraction of sunlight by ice crystals in the atmosphere and so it has to be sunny, very cold, and dry for them to be visible. I had never seen one before moving to Manitoba. And I just love them!

What a beautiful phenomenon. A view that never gets old.

Do you ever see sundogs where you live?
