About Us

About Us

Charlotte Mason Poetry is a blog and podcast dedicated to promoting an authentic interpretation of Charlotte Mason’s life work.

Learn more about the Charlotte Mason Poetry team:

Art Middlekauff

Art and his wife Barbara have been home educating their three children for two decades. Over this time, Art has been studying Charlotte Mason’s writings and applying her living ideas to his family’s homeschool. Art tells the story of how his discovery of Charlotte Mason led to a personal transformation and a dangerous adventure.

Art has written several essays about Charlotte Mason’s theology and philosophy which have been published in the two volumes of Essays on the Life and Work of Charlotte Mason, published by Riverbend Press. Art has also produced a popular video about Charlotte Mason’s twenty principles. Art walks in Mason’s theological tradition as a member of an Anglican church near Detroit, Michigan. Art can be reached by email.


Living Education Retreat
July 10–12, 2025

Session Abstracts

Richele Baburina

Richele Baburina began her venture of faith with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of education as a university student, implementing picture talks as part of a museum program. As a humanities major, she found Mason’s statements regarding the beauty and truth of mathematics particularly intriguing. Later, as a mother, she wanted to experience that “delightful consciousness of drawing out… new power” in her own children and she now helps others do the same.

Richele is the author of The Charlotte Mason Elementary Arithmetic Series, Mathematics: An Instrument for Living Teaching, and Brush Drawing—a Basic Course. Passionate about sharing how simple methods rest on profound principles throughout Mason’s philosophy of education, she presents on a variety of topics and is a regular contributor to Wild+Free. Her original art and art instruction can be found at Ricochet Rabbit Studio.

She has graduated her eldest child using the Charlotte Mason philosophy of education and her youngest is in his senior year. They reside in the foothills of the Appalachians in NE Tennessee, where they still go on nature walks together. Richele can be reached by email and you can follow her musings on Instagram @rbaburina.


Spreading the Feast 2025 Homeschool Gathering
July 11–12, 2025

Session Abstracts

Tessa Keath

Tessa, a wife and mother of seven, grew up in a small mountain town in Western North Carolina surrounded by nature. Her love for the natural world helped to inform her choice to embrace and learn more of the Charlotte Mason philosophy. Tessa first came to know of Charlotte Mason when her oldest was 4, and has been pursuing her philosophy ever since. She enjoys making new connections and community with other homeschooling families and continuing to read and learn more about Charlotte Mason. The Story of Charlotte Mason says, “The love and knowledge of God, of Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world, of the Holy Spirit as supreme educator of mankind, these themes are never absent from her thoughts” (page 188). Charlotte Mason always points back to Him. Tessa curates the Bookshelf Room page with images from her home library, and she is the Web Editor for Charlotte Mason Poetry. She and her family attend Newspring Church in South Carolina, and she can be reached by email.

Antonella Greco

Antonella and her husband Nicholas began their homeschooling journey in 2015 with their daughter in Manitoba, Canada.

“I discovered Charlotte Mason’s philosophy when our daughter was just a ‘little,’ thanks to a few benefactors God placed on my path. I recently began collaborating on a major effort to make Charlotte Mason’s poetry widely available in a variety of digital formats. I am currently helping Linda Fern transcribe the as of yet unpublished manuscript of The Saviour of the World, volume VII. I am blissfully immersed in Mason’s poetry, editing the documents, making corrections, and making it all more accessible to readers. I recently co-founded a Manitoba Charlotte Mason group, and I continue to marvel at how many people in this large but sparsely populated province are using Mason’s philosophy. I am delighting in the abundant feast which a Charlotte Mason education is bringing to our home!”

Antonella is the Chief Editor for Charlotte Mason Poetry and she leads the transcription team. She and her family belong to St. Gianna Beretta Molla Roman Catholic parish in Winnipeg. Antonella can be reached by email.

Guest Authors

The following writers have generously contributed articles to Charlotte Mason Poetry. Click on an author to see his or her posts.

Karen Andreola

Becky Aniol

Jennifer Bascom

Maria Bell

Benjamin Bernier

Mary Beuving

Bonnie Buckingham

Heidi Buschbach

Jonathan Cavett

Morgan Conner

Liz Cottrill

René du Plessis

Kent Handfield

Nicole Handfield

Lizzie Henrique

Stacie Johnson

Amber Johnston

Allen Kannapell

Nancy Kelly

Emily Kiser

Amanda Kunzeman

Jo Lloyd

Morné Marais

Mariana Mastracchio

Steve Mattern

Brittney McGann

Anesley Middlekauff

Anna Migeon

Rachel North

Ashley Olander

Lisa Osika

Jennifer Pepito

Angela Reed

Dawn Rhymer

Don Rhymer

Greg Rolling

Tina Schallhorn

Laura Teeple

Sara Timothy

Dawn Tull

Shannon Whiteside

Rob Young

Transcription Team

Pictured, from left to right:
Erin Mundy, Amy Harbach, Sherilyn Fossum, Hollie Place, Máille Multop, Art Middlekauff, Ashley Olander, LaShawne Thomas, Sandra Sosa, Annette Dionisio, Aimee Dunn, Suzie Cunningham, Paola Cella

Text Editors: Donna Bell, Katie Black, Sherilyn Fossum, Rebekah Hartman, Christine Johannes, Michelle Kimmel, Jessica Lovitt, Jeremiah Redden, Jennifer Talsma, and Dawn Tull

Transcriber: Linda Fern

Readers: Laurel Aldridge, Katherine Dlugolonski, Jo Downing, Lisa Joss, Ashley Olander, Greg Rolling, Jenny Martin, Barbara Middlekauff, Dawn Rhymer, Haley Struecker, Jennifer Talsma, and Tabitha L. Wirges

Audio Editor: Barbara Middlekauff

Typists: Carol Andreescu, Noelle Bartl, Tracy Blom, Nermarí Broderick, Bonnie Buckingham, Stephanie Buijs, Summer Carter, Lucy Casey, Julie Cerdas, Megan Clabbers, Betsy Cypress, Aimee Davis, Sarah Dempsen, Astrid Donovan, Aimee Dunn, René du Plessis, Allison Durham, Emily Fields, Ashley Franz, Esther Futrell, Thea Gab, Laurie Gardner, Lanaya Gore, RaeAnna Goss, Nicholas Greco, Amy Harbach, Katie Haskins, Min Hwang, Rosella Janz, Heather Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, Joletta Kaat, Mindy Kim, Amanda Kunzeman, Ali Laing, Valerie Maddox, Molly Marais, Lynne Martin, Angela McCauley, Belinda McReynolds, Jennifer Moen, Máille Multop, Erin Mundy, Rachel North, Beverly Ocampo, Lovejoy Ontiveros, Lisa Osika, Ashlie Paulin, Ann Philip, Chrissy Rener, Jennifer Ritter, April Russell, Lisa C S Russell, Katie Sandy, Dessy Santoso, Tina Schallhorn, Lisa Schiedel, Chelsea Schultz, Erin Scoville, Kathy Seeger, Rebecca Selin, Mary Slone, Ashley Solomon, Melissa Solomon, Sandra Sosa, Abby Stewart, LaShawne Thomas, Brenda Thorpe, Keri Tidwell, Brenda Uden, Amira Umphres, Emily Vandiver, Kenya Varnes, Stephanie Van Gorden, Niki Wagner, Michael Walkup, Lisa Ward, Liz Wetzel, Tabitha L. Wirges, Elizabeth Wisnicki, Debi Zahn, Paula Zarate, and Annette Zeigler

The transcription team includes volunteer typists who work from photographs of The Parents’ Review, L’Umile Pianta, and other important documents in the Charlotte Mason archive. We also have transcribers who are studying Charlotte Mason’s own handwritten manuscripts with a view towards making the lost treasures of her poetry available to the world.

Many of the older editions of The Parents’ Review are available online. But the Charlotte Mason Digital Collection only contains the volumes up through 1906. We have a vision to make later articles from The Parents’ Review accessible over the Internet. Currently this requires that we obtain photographs from various public and private libraries and transcribe them. There are many gems that have been hidden. We would like to bring them to light!

Would you like to join us in this effort? Send an email to let us know!

Charlotte Mason Poetry is a labor of love.
We do not host any paid advertisements or receive any outside funding.