First Grammar Lessons: Part I, Lesson V
Lesson V
We know that a sentence has two parts.
The first part, the thing we speak of, is called the subject.
Our subjects have been name-words, or nouns.
And we have put with them adjectives.
The second part of a sentence is, we know, what we tell about the subject.
This second part is often called a predicate—a word which simply means to “tell.” If you say “The day is fine” you predicate, or tell, something about the day.
Try how many things you can predicate, or say, about George:
George {ate his dinner.
{played on the beach.
{is a good boy.
{is kind.
These are predicates, because they are what we predicate or say about George.
The verb is always in this part of the sentence.
Sentences often have only a verb for the predicate.
Your little sister Alice laughed.
To be learnt.
What we say about the subject is called the predicate.
To predicate means to tell about a thing.
Exercise V
1. Predicate six things about: A gentle child.
Six about: A long merry game.
Draw a line under the verb in each predicate, and say whether it is of being or of doing.
2. Put subjects to:
_____ is soon over.
_____ should not be injured.
_____ chatters.
3. Make six sentences with only a verb for the predicate.
4. Find the predicate in:
The house is large.
My Aunt Mary went to France.