First Grammar Lessons: Part III, Lesson V

First Grammar Lessons: Part III, Lesson V

Lesson V

There is one more way of using a verb.

It may be used to make a request, or to command. It is rather odd that we use just the same words for a request or a command,—the difference is in the tone of voice. “Come here” may be a request or a command, according to who says it and how it is said.

As the verb is the same in both cases, this way of using it is called the commanding mood.

You very likely know that imperative is another word for commanding.

The imperative mood is always a predicate, but an odd thing about it is that it never has a subject.

We say:

Come here.
Sit down.
Shut the door.
Open the window.

Of course we mean: You come here. You sit down. But the subject is always understood, and it does not sound right to say it.

To be learnt.

When the verb commands it is in the imperative mood.

The imperative mood has no subject.

The subject of the imperative mood is always understood.

Exercise V

1. Give six sentences with a verb expressing an order, as:

Shut the door.
Pick the flower.

2. Change the following sentences into the imperative mood:

You are coming.
You are speaking.
You are writing your name.

3. Give six verbs in the imperative mood to each of the following words:

The bird, the man, Tom.
(Feed the bird, be kind to the bird, see the bird, etc.).

4. Point out the verbs in the imperative mood in a page of a book.