First Grammar Lessons: Part IV, Lesson II
Lesson II
For one’s own name one says I.
If there is but one person in a room where I am, that person must be myself. I am the first person. So I is a pronoun of the first person.
I means a single person and is of the singular number.
If I speak for myself and someone else, I say we. Wemeans more than one person, and is of the plural number.
I told Mary.
We told Mary.
Here ‘I’ and ‘we’ are subjects, and because they are subjects they are in the nominative case, like noun subjects.
To be learnt.
The person speaking is the first person.
Exercise II
1. Put a pronoun of the first person before each of the following:
_____ saw the eclipse.
_____ am happy.
_____ are going out.
_____ have two brothers.
_____ was reading a book.
2. Use a pronoun and a verb to say what you did at home yesterday.
3. Use a pronoun and a verb to say what you and your brother do on wet days.
4. What pronouns and verbs will Mary use to tell you all the things she did when she went to see her aunt?
5. Supply verbs to the pronouns Iand we, for example:
I am writing; we are reading.
6. Tom said: “Tom is going out to meet Tom’s sister.”
Put the right pronouns in the above sentence.
7. Make a sentence with each of these verbs: find, saw, look, using a pronoun of the first person.