Happy Ye!

Happy Ye!

Of those who receive Him.

(The Gospel History, Section 88)

And turning to the disciples, he said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: for I say unto you that many prophets and kings desired to see the things which ye see, and saw them not; and to hear the things which ye hear, and heard them not.

Happy Ye!

(The Saviour of the World, Vol VI Book II Poem XX)

Turning to the disciples, spake He low

A word intended for their ear alone;
For not in all things were the Seventy one

With crowds that gathered as to see a show.

“Bless’d are the eyes,” saith Christ, “which see the things

Discovered unto you, graced to perceive;
Bless’d are your ears, kept open to receive

What had been precious to renownéd kings

“And prophets long ago! This word of ‘Rest,’

Had it stood single, the one word I spake,
What power it holds the uneasy world to make

A place of peace where ills may not molest!

“The world’s aware and restless with desire;

Great kings and prophets long ago had yearned
To see those things that your eyes have discerned,

To hear those words should quicken as with fire!

“But, hearken; then as now, whoso would see

The glories of the Kingdom must bring eyes;
An ear must bring he who for hearing sighs;

Wherefore, I say, My children, happy ye!”

St. Luke x. 23, 24.

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