Jesus’ Bible Lessons

Jesus’ Bible Lessons

The Bible lesson is a unique, wonderful opportunity to dialogue over the Living Word with your child. Jesus had such discussions himself with some of the Father’s Children. Charlotte Mason writes, “It is only by trying the method oneself on such an incident, for example, as the visit of Nicodemus or the talk with the woman of Samaria, that we realise the wonderful clearness with which each incident is brought out, the fullness of meaning with which every phrase is invested by such personal effort” (vol. 6, p. 273). What can we learn about the Bible Lesson “discussion” from these two incidents? Listen to the live recording from the 2023 Living Education Retreat:


Bible Lessons FAQ

Bible Lessons FAQ (Part 2)

Don Rhymer is a recent seminary graduate, prayerful about full- time ministry. Before that, he spent 24 years in the Air Force, teaching Mechanical Engineering at the Air Force Academy half of those years. But as he grew older, the Bible was growing bigger and warmer than his engineering textbooks. He is the husband of Dawn and father of 5 kids ages 12 to 20.

2 Replies to “Jesus’ Bible Lessons”

  1. Don, I met you last year at the LER. We had a chance to talk a little about Christ’s Teaching Methods. I was very interested in hearing this particular lesson and what you have studied. I was really hoping someone would share this talk. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and what you have learned. -John Sommer

  2. John, Thanks for sending! I do remember you and our conversation. I appreciate your post very much. Blessings, to you! Don

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