(The Saviour of the World, Vol III Book IV Poem LVII)
Good Lord, instruct us while we pore
Upon Thy Kingdom’s lore!
We know,—the King can raise the dead;
That, multitudes He nourished
On such small store as scarce could feed
One hungry lad; we know, indeed,
How tempests but display His power—
If all help faileth, then His hour,
When a man’s need is sore!
We know,—Thy kingdom is a prize
For him will energize:
A man must diligent seek to find,
Bring eager heart and zealous mind,
And potent faith that can receive
Hard sayings, mysteries, believe;
That done,—Thy kingdom spreads apace
In its own strength; hath filled the place
When we lift up our eyes!
Lord, draw us in Thy Kingdom’s net,
Nor let us Thy Good Words forget!