Notes of Lessons: Narration, Class IV

Notes of Lessons: Narration, Class IV

[We have thought that it might be of use to our readers (in their own families) to publish from month to month during the current year, Notes of Lessons prepared by students of the House of Education for the pupils of the Practising School. We should like to say, however, that such a Lesson is never given as a tour de force, but is always an illustration or an expansion of some part of the children’s regular studies (in the Parents’ Review School), some passage in one or other of their school books.—Ed.]

Subject: Narration • Class IV

By A. P. Whittall
The Parents’ Review, 1906, pp. 490


I. To increase the girls’ power of attentive reading.

II. To strengthen their power of expressing themselves.


Step I.—Ask one of the audience to choose passages for the girls to read.

Step II.—Give them several minutes in which to read the passages chosen.

Step III.—When they are ready ask one of the girls to write what she has read, and the other to narrate.