The CMP Review — Week of March 10

The CMP Review — Week of March 10

March 10, 2025

Our aim in Education is to give a Full Life.—We begin to see what we want. Children make large demands upon us. We owe it to them to initiate an immense number of interests. ‘Thou hast set my feet in a large room,’ should be the glad cry of every intelligent soul. Life should be all living, and not merely a tedious passing of time; not all doing or all feeling or all thinking—the strain would be too great—but, all living; that is to say, we should be in touch wherever we go, whatever we hear, whatever we see, with some manner of vital interest.” (Vol. 3, p. 170)


March 11, 2025

In December and January, the Classical Et Cetera podcast of Memoria Press released a three-part series entitled “Charlotte Mason Explained: A Classical Education Perspective.” These recorded conversations between four classical education experts provoked much reaction and discussion within the Charlotte Mason community. Although opinions vary, I think there is one thing we can all agree on: the three episodes do not say the final word about Charlotte Mason and classical education.

After carefully reviewing the audio, video, and transcript of the Classical Et Cetera series, I joined Charlotte Mason enthusiast Mariana Mastracchio for a detailed analysis of the perspectives shared in the episodes. We brought every assertion to the test of Miss Mason’s writings and the writings of her followers. And you may be surprised by what we found.

Whether you’ve listened to the Classical Et Cetera series or not, I’m sure you’ll be interested in our comparison of classical education and the Charlotte Mason method. I hope you will take the time to listen in and then share your comments and questions below. Find it here.


March 12, 2025

Sending out an SOS! Help ID this winter weed or wildflower found (without stem) in the backyard (NE Tennessee).

My first guess was a type of lavender, but I don’t grow that here myself.

Looking forward to hearing from all you naturalists.


March 13, 2025

Each term we select a new hymn to learn and sing together. Usually I choose a piece from Hosanna, Loud Hosannas, a beautiful student hymnal by Barbara and David Leeman. This term, however, my daughter wanted to learn a hymn we had never sung before.

She chose “Depth of Mercy” by Carl M. von Weber. It took us a few weeks to pick up the unfamiliar tune and it took me a while to absorb the meaning of the words. Then on Saturday, the first Saturday of Lent, it dawned on me that this lovely hymn is about repentance and forgiveness. My daughter could not have chosen a more fitting hymn for the penitential season.

Also I have continued my daily contemplations from The Cloud of Witness. The readings are always edifying, but this week’s on temptation are especially profound. Along with our hymn study, this normal habit of my life has drawn me deeper into the spirit of Lent.

I see this as a blessed outcome of adopting the practices that Charlotte Mason recommended. Whether reading to your children from The Golden Key (now back in stock at Riverbend Press), singing hymns together, or following a lectionary for private daily Bible reading, these habits naturally point the heart to the spiritual season of the year, whether Advent, Christmas, Easter, or Lent. And if these are not yet part of your family’s life, this is a great time of year to start.


March 14, 2025


Isabella Whiteford Rogerson (1859/1860, died 1905 St John’s Newfoundland, Canada)

Who can paint it in its beauty

In its softness and delight,

With its gleaming pearly whiteness.

As it breaks upon our sight?

Softly, softly, softly falling,

As its bridal robe it weaves,

Till our old world stands unrivalled,

E’en by springtime’s flowers and leaves;

For it falls where leaves come never—

On unsightliness and gloom.

Soft and radiant, fair and lovely,

Pure as lilies in full bloom.

Covering where the roses come not,

Charming woodsheds into bowers.

With such wondrous grace and beauty

That we quite forget the flowers;

Quite forget the rarest sculpture,

As such forms of grace arise,

Forms that none save the Creator

E’er could fashion or devise:

Fold on fold so softly rounded.

Curving into graceful sweep.

Wreathing huge unsightly houses

Into turret, tower, and keep.

All of purest, daintiest, whitest,—

Marble, fairest of the fair,

Never with our snow-clad mansions

For a moment could compare;

Never trees in summer splendor,

Clad in emerald green, outshone

All the delicate diamonds flashing

From trees snow-clad in the sun;

But words fail to tell its sweetness,

Only those who see it know

All the fairy grace and glamour

Of the softly falling snow.


March 15, 2025

Do your children play any musical instruments?

My son was gifted an accordion from his grandfather in 2019. He primarily played by ear, then took a few lessons and began to read music.

This year, he purchased a much different accordion from a USSR memorabilia store and has been teaching himself how to play it.


March 16, 2025

“We have all wondered,” wrote Charlotte Mason, “that Christ should expose the profoundest philosophy to the multitude, the ‘Many,’ whom even Socrates contemns” (vol. 6 p. 332). Apparently this wonder extends all the way back to the earliest days of Christ’s ministry. “Lord, do You speak this parable only to us, or to all people?” asks St. Peter in Luke 12:41.

Charlotte Mason begins to unfold this theme in her poem “Lord, is this word for us?” Read or hear it here.


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