The CMP Review — Week of March 17
March 17, 2025
“It would be well if all we persons in authority, parents and all who act for parents, could make up our minds that there is no sort of knowledge to be got in these early years so valuable to children as that which they get for themselves of the world they live in. Let them once get touch with Nature, and a habit is formed which will be a source of delight through life.” (Vol. 1 p. 61)
March 18, 2025
What is “a liberal education” and why is it “for all”? Few people better understood (or endorsed) Charlotte Mason’s answer to these questions than H. W. Household. As Secretary for Education of Gloucestershire County, he was determined to bring a living way of learning to as many children as possible.
In January 1918 a one-day symposium was held to discuss the application of Mason’s method to the schools of England. The leading speaker was Mr. Household himself. He understood many things so well: how boys and children learn, how many approaches of education have failed, and how things need to change.
Household’s address can help us grasp the significance and nature of living books and their role in the liberal education Miss Mason envisioned. He can help us teach our children better. But his address has been filed away for more than 100 years. Until today. Now you can read Household’s paper on a liberal education. Or better yet, you can hear it spoken by the voice of Greg Rolling, and imagine Household is reading his paper to you. Find it here.
March 19, 2025
Spring ephemeral
Vows to enjoy the moment
Until next year comes
Photo credit @aolander
March 20, 2025
“[And God said,] how can people see me feeding and nurturing the worm within the dry wood, pasturing the brute beasts, nourishing the fish in the sea, all the animals on the earth and the birds in the air, commanding the sun to shine on the plants and the dew to fertilize the soil, and not believe that I nourish them as well, my creatures made in my image and likeness?
“As a matter of fact, all this is done by my goodness to serve them. No matter where they turn, spiritually and materially they will find nothing but my deep burning charity and the greatest, gentle, true, perfect providence.”
— Catherine of Siena
March 21, 2025
The beautiful signs of spring in Manitoba!
The river is starting to crack and open up.
It’s always fascinating to watch how long it takes to go from fully frozen to fully flowing.
What signs of spring are you seeing today?
March 22, 2025
“It is only as we rise higher we breathe more freely; it is only as years advance we find out that a mother’s power depends not on cleverness, ability, or gifts, but on love and faith. It matters much more to your children what you are than what you do. You fear to find your head under water, at the pace of higher education! The young ones learn so much you never learnt! It matters not. If you are in sympathy with them, if they know it, and see you to be single-minded, honest, painstaking, religious, you cannot lose your hold over them, you have all that is needed for success in your work. Only you must believe it. Believe in the power of your eye, your smile, your voice, your hand, and, above all, your heart. Let your children find in you a large haven of peace—the gates of the harbour always open—the waters within always at rest.” (“Child Nature”, PR3)
March 23, 2025
“Who then is that faithful and wise steward,” asks Jesus in Luke 12:42. “Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. Truly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all that he has.”
It is a parable, of course, so we must interpret what it means. What is this reward that is offered, to be “ruler over all that he has”?
Charlotte Mason does not hesitate to put forward her own interpretation. In her poem “The faithful steward” she envisions a reward in harmony with her values. Read or her Mason’s poem and discover what faithful stewardship she has in view. Find it here.