The CMP Review — Week of October 9
October 9, 2023
“To the true book-lover the mere possession of books is a joy. In the same way as a lover of China delights to gaze upon the treasures of his collection, so the book-lover revels in the enlightening atmosphere of his library.” (PR29, p. 485, Mrs. Pell)
October 10, 2023
In 1931, the readers of the prestigious Times Educational Supplement wanted some answers. This “Charlotte Mason method” they had all heard about: was it really only for young children? And secondly, these “Charlotte Mason educators”: did they really detest public examinations?
Someone needed to settle these questions once and for all on the national stage. Rev. H. Costley-White answered the call. He was Chairman of the PNEU, co-author of the Old Testament History volumes, and colleague of the late Miss Mason. His reply set the record straight for the readers of The Times.
His important letter was also published in The Parents’ Review, along with additional notes by Elsie Kitching. Their answers to these questions were clear and emphatic, but interestingly enough, they had been foreshadowed by the words of Miss Mason herself.
Just four years before her death, in a rare communiqué published in 1919, Charlotte Mason shared her perspective on upper forms, school certificates, and university matriculation. Her words set the stage for the later declarations and explanations of Costley-White and Kitching.
Nearly one hundred years later, educators in America (and around the world) are once again asking the same questions. “Is the Charlotte Mason method only for children?” And “What do young adults need to prepare themselves for college and career?” Before we answer these questions ourselves, let’s sit back and hear what Costley-White, Kitching, and Mason herself had to say. Find it all here.
October 11, 2023
Are there any CM topics you’d like to know more about? Any resources on your wish list, PR articles or podcast subjects you’d like to have more of?
Our annual team retreat is on the horizon—a time in which we gather to discuss how to better advance our goal of providing the community with free and convenient access to Charlotte Mason’s life work. Tell us in the comments what you might like us to add to our agenda!
October 12, 2023
When Charlotte Mason produced Ourselves in 1905, she originally published it in three different versions: Book I alone, Book II alone, and both books together. She wrote a separate preface for each version, and the Book I version contained a special note to teachers. Our modern versions of Volume 4 contain only the third preface. To read the other two prefaces, and the note to teachers, check out the Charlotte Mason Poetry free online version of Ourselves here.
October 13, 2023

About a week ago, we found this huge wasp’s nest right in a tree on our yard. It’s at least 18 inches tall. The nest only became visible to us when the tree shed its leaves, but it had obviously been there for a while. Hidden in plain sight.
A few days after we first spotted it, our neighbour wrote to tell us he was watching a squirrel attacking the nest. We weren’t home so we missed the show. The squirrel got inside the hole and basically ripped the nest apart. The next photo shows what it looked like once our squirrel friend was done with it!
What an amazing construction! Insects (and woodland creatures) are just astounding, aren’t they?
October 14, 2023
At each year’s team gathering we learn a new handicraft or art form. Yesterday, @TessaKeath taught us basket weaving and book repair.
October 15, 2023
“It is not a light thing to claim to be God,” wrote Watchman Nee in 1936. “A person who makes such a claim falls into one of three categories. He must belong to one of these three categories; he cannot belong to all three. First, if he claims to be God and yet in fact is not, he has to be a madman or a lunatic. Second, if he is neither God nor a lunatic, he has to be a liar, deceiving others by his lie. Third, if he is neither of these, he must be God.”
Many of those who heard Christ speak on earth chose the first option. “He is mad,” they said. This false shepherd, they said, was demonic.
Charlotte Mason’s poem on Christ the Shepherd dramatizes the words of these men. We feel the force of their objection. But in her poem we also read a response.
“There is no need for us to prove if Jesus of Nazareth is God or not,” wrote Watchman Nee. “All we have to do is find out if He is a lunatic or a liar. If He is neither, He must be the Son of God. These are our three choices. There is no fourth.”
Read or hear Mason’s poem here which brings the third option to light.