How to Learn the Charlotte Mason Method

How to Learn the Charlotte Mason Method

I know of two ways to learn the Charlotte Mason: the way I learned it, and a better way. You don’t have to make the same mistakes I made. Listen in on this talk recorded at the 2018 Living Education Retreat.

Special thanks to the music performance by Greg Rolling and Tyson Suemnicht. The accompanying slides are available for download.

13 Replies to “How to Learn the Charlotte Mason Method”

  1. This is inspiring. An informative gem. Thank you from someone who couldn’t make it to the conference. I agree, a Charlotte Mason education is living it as we learn it along with our children. It is work that is worth the effort and any trial and error. Parents who persevere in their efforts to practice what they are learning in The Volumes will look back (in later years) and see them as the “happy golden years.” Gradually applying the PNEU set of ideas is the million dollar opportunity, really. (Story of C.M. p.3) Ha, ha, I liked hearing the humorous poem on guitar and in song.

    1. Thank you! I mention in my talk that many of the insights I gleaned in my journey had already been discovered by those who came before. I could have cited your Charlotte Mason Companion: “Mother Culture is living the educational life with our children by learning alongside of them” (p. 347). I like that preposition: with. I am happy to propagate that same word 20 years later.

  2. This was absolutely fantastic, and a great reminder of just where to begin. I feel like I’m constantly “beginning again,” and this reminds me of where the starting point actually is.

    Side note: My 16 month old really enjoyed Greg’s rendition of the Scale How student’s song, and was dancing to it! 🙂

  3. wow! just finished listening and i was in aww with this. thank you for inspiring me and also lifting a burden of thinking i have to do it all at once. out of curiosity was your son able to get into the college he wanted? thinking about my daughters future.

  4. Wow! I want to thank you, Mr. Middlekauff, for sharing your experience. I have struggled with those “splashes of ideas” and how to keep the light burning, but this has given me the inspiration I need to work on my habits. It’s still early in our CM journey, but I’m really looking forward to learning “with” my children.

  5. Found myself listening to this again as I start planning for our fourth year of homeschooling… Thank you for sharing your experiences. Committing to starting our book club discussions on the Volumes this year and your algebraic equation here was helpful in the decision to start with either Vol. 1 or Vol. 6, haha!!!

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