Some Opinions of the Press

Some Opinions of the Press

Some Opinions of the Press
“The Saviour Of The World”
Vol. III. The Kingdom of Heaven

Beautiful thoughts beautifully expressed in verse … this third, “The Kingdom of Heaven,” carries on the Gospel story, in that graceful and reverent diction with which she clothes it, down to the “Return of the Twelve” and “The Desert Place.”—School Guardian.

The divisions of this volume concern the “Taking the Kingdom,” “Parables of the Kingdom,” its Administration; and “The Beginning of the Holy War.” Miss Mason’s is a bold effort, and one, we think, likely to be useful, the old truths being presented, here and there, in a new light, appealing to some in verse form who perhaps are coldly familiar with the old text.—Reading Mercury.

Miss Mason’s remarkable book of verse is full of high and devout exaltation, which prevents her work from ever becoming trivial or trite. Her work continues as she has begun; the illustrations are the best that can be thought of for such a book. Dignity, simplicity, and reverence are qualities of her writing, apparent on every page.—Birmingham Post.

… Where Miss Mason leaves the actual Scriptures for comments and thoughts of her own, she is distinctly illuminating. Not least interesting is the series on the Cross, and again a series on the mission of the Apostles; while the description of the man who “knows,” the “Kingdom” (p.xi) will be a delight to any mystic.—Tablet.

… The book before us deals with the “Kingdom of Heaven,” and in rhythm, which is both reverent and graceful. … Some tasteful illustrations, taken for the most part from famous pictures, add additional charm to a book which is in every way pleasing. …—Catholic Times.

Charlotte M. Mason publishes another volume of “The Saviour of the World” entitled “The Kingdom of Heaven.” The two previous volumes dealt with “The Holy Infancy” and “His Dominion,” and in this book the writer skilfully and with due reverence reproduces in poems of various forms the incidents and sayings of our Lord’s life. The book is also illustrated with several reproductions of pictures by well-known masters.—Queen.

Miss Mason’s “The Saviour of the World” is, as its title suggests, religious verse, descriptive and contemplative of the earthly career of Christ. It is graceful and reverent, and embellished with reproductions of some of the beautiful pictures of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood.—Daily Chronicle.

… Such a presentation of familiar facts and truths will be welcomed by many, for the author is inspired by the utmost reverence. As befits the subject, her poetry is eloquent in its simplicity, and is equally pleasing whether she employs blank verse or rhyme. The high expectations formed from “The Holy Infancy” and “His Dominion” are being abundantly fulfilled. A number of half-tone reproductions of famous paintings based on biblical incidents are included in the volume.—Nottingham Guardian.

The earlier volume of Miss Mason’s exhaustive story in verse of the life and acts of our Lord were favourably reviewed in these columns both for their reverent spirit and for their graceful versification. The present instalment deserves similar praise. The small circle who read poetry for its own sake will enjoy the perusal of the narrative of Christ’s life as here presented.—Dundee Advertiser.

… In this she discourses upon “The Kingdom of Heaven,” basing, as usual, upon the Bible story. Miss Mason has an agreeable turn for versification in several metres, and is a forcible thinker, by no means hostile to the Higher Criticism, though herself of irreproachable sincerity and earnest faith.—Scotsman.

… The volume treats of “The Kingdom of Heaven,” and deals with Christ’s deeds on earth in reverential and at times beautiful verse. The volume closes with the beginning of the Holy War. It is a devout and helpful study of various phases of Christ’s work and teaching.—Manchester Courier.

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