Some Opinions of the Press

Some Opinions of the Press

Some Opinions of the Press
“The Saviour Of The World”
Vol. I. The Holy Infancy

This is a very pleasant volume. The authoress has been entirely successful in her aim. Her verse is simple and devoid of sought adornment, and the familiar story wrought into it is revealed in something of its original sweetness.—Glasgow Herald.

This book is a rendering, chiefly in blank verse, of our Lord’s life as recorded in the Gospels. Its value, apart from the deep reverence and devoutness which characterise the book on every page, is that poetry catches the attention and intensifies the interest, which sometimes flags in the reading the text … new presentation of familiar truths, expanded and developed, gives a fresh delight, awakens new convictions, and is a further stay to faith.—School Guardian.

The talented and devoted Anglican author of this work looks forward to the time when some poetic genius will arise and give to the world the greatest epic of all ages, the august story of the Messiah … The medium of verse is specially dignified, being easily impersonal, condensed, reticent, and reverent. We congratulate Miss Mason on the considerable measure of success attending this first volume of the work to which she has put her hand … Various other passages it would be pleasing to quote, did space permit, and especially those concerning the weariness, disappointment, and isolation in the wilderness, and again Nicodemus and the soul’s new birth, passages in which high doctrine, faithfully understood, is expressed in worth and musical language.—Tablet.

The author of this little book has tried to supply a real want by giving us a poetical version of the Gospel History. She has many of the qualities that fit her for the task, a deep reverence for her subject and also a true poetic feeling.—Commonwealth.

“The Saviour of the World” has one special merit. It helps one to realise what the Incarnation means practically—that the first Advent of God the Son was a real identification of Himself with our mortal nature, not in appearance only.—Guardian

The first volume of what promises to be a remarkable work. This first of the eight projected volumes bears the sub-title “The Holy Infancy” and opens with a paraphrase, in dignified blank verse, of the prologue of St. John’s Gospel … The poet paraphrasist has performed her self-appointed task admirably, with reverence and discretion … The interview with Nicodemus might well have been written by Browning himself.—Lady.

This is a singularly handsome volume, with beautiful illustrations … To the author the composition of these poems, illustrative of the words and acts of Our Lord, must have been a labour of Love … Everywhere her language breathes a spirit of deep devotion to the Saviour of mankind. The book is beautifully printed and illustrated.—Catholic Times.

A distinctly noteworthy contribution to contemporary devotional prosody … We wish her well upon her toilsome but enviable journey.—Liverpool Courier.

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