The Great Controversy

The Great Controversy

The Saviour of the World, Volume V
“My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made to the King.”

The Saviour by Titian

Contents of Volume I: The Holy Infancy
Contents of Volume II: His Dominion
Contents of Volume III: The Kingdom of Heaven
Contents of Volume IV: The Bread of Life

Book I — Of Forgiveness

I — Of forgiving our brother
II — The two debtors
III — Christ walked in Galilee
IV — His brethren
V — The Lord goeth up
VI — The Feast of Tabernacles
VII — The people talk
VIII — Christ comes

Book II — The Great Controversy

IX — In Solomon’s porch
X — The Voice consummate—(The disciple)
XI — He that willeth shall know—(The disciple)
XII — The test of truth
XIII — Right judgment
XIV — In perplexity—(The disciple)
XV — The townsfolk take up the controversy
XVI — The Lord makes answer
XVII — Willing and knowing—(The disciple)
XVIII — The country-folk, the citizens and the Jews
XIX — The warning
XX — Where goest Thou?
XXI — The Ambassador withdraws
XXII — “What is this word that He saith?
XXIII — Keep back thy servant from presumptuous sin—(The disciple)

Book III — The Water of Life

XXIV — “Ho, every one that thirsteth!
XXV — The vision of the holy waters
XXVI — Christ stood and cried
XXVII — Come unto Me and drink
XXVIII — They will, and will not, “come”
XXIX — The thirsty came
XXX — Two are athirst—(The disciple)
XXXI — He thirsted first
XXXII — The multitude is divided
XXXIII — “Never man spake as this Man
XXXIV — The shameful woman

Book IV — The Light of the World

(The Great Controversy)

XXXV — Let there be light
XXXVI — The people sat in darkness
XXXVII — “I am the Light
XXXVIII — In the Light—(The disciple)
XXXIX — Whence and Whither
XL — Who art Thou?
XLI — “I have many things to speak and to judge concerning you”—(The disciple)
XLII — The Lord pleads with the Jews
XLIII — To the Jews who believed
XLIV — The Jews and the Lord
XLV — What is truth?—(The disciple)
XLVI — The controversy (continued)
XLVII — Abraham is dead
XLVIII — Christ’s solicitude for the Jews
XLIX — “I beseech Thee, shew me Thy glory
L — “Our glory must we shew
LI — What is glory?
LII — Before Abraham was, I am
LIII — Did this man sin?
LIV — The man receives sight
LV — The seeing man and the Pharisees
LVI — The vision
LVII — Evidence

Book V — Christ, Our Life

LVIII — The silly sheep
LIX — The sheep and the fold
LX — The sheep and the Shepherd
LXI — The Jews talk
LXII — The vagrant sheep—(The disciple)
LXIII — Between the festivals
LXIV — The months of teaching
LXV — In Solomon’s Porch
LXVI — The controversy renewed: eternal life
LXVII — They take up stones to stone Him
LXVIII — I said, Ye are gods
LXIX — At the pool

The Raising of Lazarus
LXX — α The house of a friend
LXXI — β The message sent
LXXII — γ The message received
LXXIII — δ The Master delays
LXXIV — ε “Let us go
LXXV — ζ “If Thou hadst been here
LXXVI — η “I am the Resurrection
LXXVII — θ “Believest thou this?
LXXVIII — ι “Jesus wept
LXXIX — κ “Said I not
LXXX — λ “Thy judgements are like the great deep
LXXXI — μ “Lift us up for ever
LXXXII — ν “Lazarus, come forth
LXXXIII — ο The man who knew

LXXXIV — “Ye shall be as gods